Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ice Cream Scoops.

I can’t think on one subject for more than 10 seconds! It’s been this way my whole life. It’s just now a problem. Maybe it is because I finally have something to say. Something that is important to think about for more than a fleeting moment.

I wish I could take an ice cream scoop to my brain, scoop out the mess that is my thoughts and lay them all out in from of you in a way that makes sense... But, I don’t want to risk the brain damage.

So, I pray for God to give me a clear mind and an unraveled tongue. If for even just one day I could have a clear and focused head, that would be a blessing.

I’ve been actually trying to make an effort to read my Bible everyday. Sadly, If this was for a grade, I’d probably have an even worse score than in school. When I DO read, I always pray beforehand. The reason being that most times I find the answer to my prayer, in the Bible. This is a newly introduced practice for me.

The other day I prayed that God would help me with what I would consider to one of my biggest struggles, right now... Lust.

For some reason I read through 1 Chronicles. (15:13-15) The part I read had to do with when David was having the Levites move the Ark to a new location. He says “Because you Levites did not carry the Ark the first time, the anger of the Lord our God burst out against us. We failed to ask God how to move it properly.” When I read this it hit me that I haven’t asked God how to remove this sin from my life properly. I have been trying to do it on my own. I failed to ask my Creator how to go about plucking out my lustful eyes and replacing them with pure, unwandering eyes. (figuratively, of course).

This is my "revelation" for the day.

Please, pray that God would show me how to pray. Pray that I could get my thoughts in order. If you think my speech sounds chaotic...please take a look inside my head. Pray that God shows me how to properly rid myself of my lustful spirit.


  1. Wow Josh - I love your honesty. Isn't it funny how we (Christians) so often walk around, carrying these HUGE burdens on our own, while Christ is right there ready to help? Great reminder for me to give it all to him - the good, the bad and the ugly. Glad you are blogging! You have lots of good things to say. :)


  2. Wow son, you continue to amaze me. I am excited to see both how you are maturing into a young man, and how God is working in your life. Remember as you go along that many men that God has used over the years had questions about their own ability to be used by God, and had to rely on Him to overcome issues in their lives. A couple of examples that come to mind are Isaiah (read Isa 6) and Moses, when God confronted him on the mountaintop and told Moses he was to lead His people out of captivity. Read both of those stories and find out how God helped them in times of doubt about themselves. Cool stuff.

  3. Thanks a ton Josh. I needed this because I struggle with the same problem. Thanks for reminding me to lean on God and not myself.

  4. If you hadn't told me, I'd never have known that you couldn't focus on a subject for more that 10 seconds. Did you type that whole post in less than 10s? Because it sounds like one cohesive thought to me.
    You're the man Josh, and you set a great example to other Christian men to expose one's sin and lean on Christ and the church to get through it.

  5. Thanks Chris..

    It took me a couple hours.. I had to keep coming back to it.
