Friday, April 13, 2012

Hidden Among the Baggage.

On August 27th I will start my first day of classes at Northwest University. It is a long time coming as I graduated from high school 4 years ago. I spent about a year just lollygagging, after that I worked with YWAM for about a year and a half and the last year I’ve spent working with my youth group. Part of me wishes I had gone straight to college after high school. “I’d be graduating this year” and "I’m going to be a 22 year old freshman” are both common thoughts floating in my head. However, when I examine all of the things that have taken place to get me to this point, the sane part of me realizes that this is the way it had to be. I also realize that God has known that since the very beginning.
I spent two months at home after my first five months with YWAM. During that time I was made wildly aware of how badly the youth, whom I am not far removed from, needed discipleship. They even longed for it, but most didn't have anywhere to find it. It was at this point that I first thought about going into youth ministry, but for reasons unknown to me at the time, I quickly put that idea on the back burner. I then returned to Switzerland to spend another three months with YWAM participating in a traveling Bible school. At the end of this course we were required to write a topical study for our final. I wrote mine on discipleship; I learned that the best way to disciple is to be a shepherd (to lead by example, be always watchful to protect your sheep, and to know the condition of your flock.) Upon handing in my topical study my passion and drive to disciple young people was once again kindled.
I spent the rest of my time with YWAM staffing a Discipleship Training School, and then eventually leading a two-month outreach of 11 people to Togo with my friend Sarah. It was during this time that I learned the most about myself- some good things, some bad. First off, I learned that I had the ability to lead and to lead well. God also illuminated many things within me that I hated. I realized that I didn't love well; I am naturally apt to jump to judgment. I had the revelation that only the King can pass down judgment. It was also revealed to me that I have a tendency to be led my emotions instead of by my will. The statement "your feelings are real, but not always true" was never truer to me than then. While I cherish every minute of it, those were two of the hardest months of my life. However, I still came home thinking that I would do it again. I also came home severely burned out; the idea of leading anything seemed tedious.
I came home with the intention of leaving again in two months to be a full-time YWAMer. I immediately started working with the youth group at my church. I was enjoying it, but still thought it was just temporary and didn't want much responsibility. After conversation with Mike and Kari Levang I decided to stay home at least through the summer to help out with our summer wakeboard camp. Still, I had every intention of returning to Switzerland in the fall. As the days burned away and we reach the waning moments of summer, God rocked my world. It was one word that I did not want to hear: "STAY." To me, at that time, To go meant excitement, adventure, new friends and what I thought was my "calling." To stay meant struggle (I would have to earn my living doing one intense, physical job after another). It meant losing the community of believers I had in Switzerland, it meant the hard way to me. However, it also meant becoming part of a whole new incredible community at my church, a community that has come to be a massive influence in my life. It also meant being able to work long-term with the church's youth group. I've been home now for 14 months. I'd be a liar if I said it has all been sunshine and daisies; I've had some very distinct valleys. However, God has guided me out of all of these things with a new hair of wisdom and a badge of knowledge. I have so loved working with this youth group. It is actually become one of the main things I spend my time doing. I've spent much of this year feeling like I was swimming in circles, like what I was doing wasn't enough. But, in true God fashion, he has been rocking my world again over the past two months. The scales have fallen off my eyes and I have seen that God has actually been doing great things through me in both the church and its youth group. I say this not in a conceited way, but the with great gratitude that God has indeed watered seeds that I have thrown down. I find myself once again having this passion to disciple young people being stirred up within my heart, so much so that a raging inferno might just burst out of my chest.
Now that I have begun to yield to this idea of one day becoming a youth pastor, it is becoming clear why I resisted it in the first place: Fear; The fear of such responsibility, also the requirement of preparing and giving a message week in, week out. For a long time God has been continually putting it right in front of me, but for the sake of my fears I've turned a blind eye. I can't do that and more.
I am reading through 1st Samuel at the moment. I just recently came across the part where Samuel was going to crown Saul as the first king of Israel. We read previously in the chapter that Saul had already been anointed as king. When it comes time for Samuel to present him as king, Saul is nowhere to be found. So the people asked "is there a man still to come" and the Lord said "behold, he has hidden himself among the baggage." I asked myself, "Why in the world was Saul hiding behind the bags?" The only conclusion I could find was that he was scared. Imagine that: a man, whom God had already anointed, was afraid of what God anointed him to do. I first thought "that's pretty lame of Saul" then I realized "I am the same as Saul." Right now is when God is calling me out. He's saying "Josh, come on. Baggage, really? You're hiding behind bags? I already anointed you, just stand up and walk in the direction I have pointed you." He's calling me out from behind the baggage to face my fear, which I'm realizing is nothing to be afraid of. So that's what I am doing, I'm coming out of hiding.
I know I'm not the only one. I think it is human nature. My question to you is this: why are you hiding among the baggage? Is it fear? Fear of what? Whatever it is, my encouragement to you is this: push the bags aside, as a matter-of-fact burn the darn bags! Whatever you do, for the love of God, stand up. 1 Samuel 10 goes on to say "When he stood among the people, he was taller than any of the people from his shoulders upward." This might come as a surprise to you but God might just desire for you to be a giant in whatever it is that he has called you to do.
Stand up. Burn the baggage!

Friday, September 23, 2011

God Is a Pretty Great Artist.

Just beautiful! I love my city... Notice the grandur of Rainer over the city though.. God's creation triumphs over man's any day!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

On the Matter of:

On the matter or Temptation: A test of loyalties. That is what it boils down to. Not something to be feared or abhorred, but a gift. We will be tempted many times every day. Some more than others, this fact is scary. However, we have hope in the fact that with every temptation we have the ability to respond rightly with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. At every temptation we hit a fork in the road. We can go left or right, one way is sin and the other is holiness. The first look at a girl places this fork before us, the temptation. At that moment I have a choice: Look again, or set my eyes upon Jesus. To take a second look is to indulge in sin. To divert my eyes is to pursue purity, holiness, and righteousness. In life we are daily tempted with a “second look.” Daily we are presented with this test of loyalties. Are we loyal to Christ? or to our flesh? Every day, multiple times a day I choose the flesh. But every day, multiple times a day I get another chance to be loyal to Christ. That is the gift. It goes all the way back to Adam. He was tested with the tree. He chose the tree over relationship with God, but from that moment and on... every day, multiple times a day he was presented with an opportunity to be loyal to God. This changes everything. With this revelation we are now free to decide against that second look, not because of requirement, but because we have Jesus in us. Every temptation is an opportunity to reflect Him.

On the matter of Holiness and sin: Rather than being the purpose or the aim, overcoming sin is merely the byproduct of the purpose which is relationship with Christ. In this there is freedom.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


This poem is called "Living"

To live is Christ, to die is gain
Two worlds apart, the second not the same
Teach me something else.
I know how to die, I know how to die.

If I’m living and breathing, I am sinning and cheating
Haven’t you seen my heart?
Why, why would you want me set apart?

Who else can reach the lost, but the lost?
The broken and beaten

God chose me, because me is we.
There is power in peers and there’s freedom in tears

I am the image of the unimaginable God.
A broken one at that, but still chosen as His light.
A broken ambassador to a broken world.
A forgiven son reaching out for my forgiving Father.

Tell me this:
What does it mean to run after holiness?
Distinct perfectness?
Impeccable speech?
A downward sullen face?
or blisters on my feet?

I am running.
I am tripping.
I am falling.

But the Lord looks at his son
and I receive grace upon grace upon grace.
What else to do, but get up and run.

What untamable grace; a gift not won.
Freely given to the undeserving son
This gift I have been given is not mine to keep;
I must find a flock and tend His sheep.

Inspired by Phil. 1:21

Friday, March 25, 2011

Mow Unto the Lord.

So, I've been working as a landscaper since I came back to the states. I'm trying to earn some of the funds I need on my own. It is hard work, but I like it. There is something fulfilling about creating those straight lines in the grass and making a dump look like a home... I've learned that there truly IS an art to mowing a law.. I'm also learning the real meaning of "doing you work as if unto the Lord." Sometimes I think "Why am I doing this?" But just the other day I was thinking about it again and I realized... "I am literally doing this for God. So I can go and do what he has called me to do!" I don't know, but that makes exhausting my body every day a lot easier. The motivation that brings is incredible!

Pray that God would show me the next step in raising support!

Friday, October 8, 2010


DTS 10-4

Today is ONE WEEK of DTS 10-4! This week has been marked with many many ups and some downs. I'm totally exhausted.. in all ways.. spiritually, as a staff we have been fighting for these students like crazy!

We've been very busy since we got here..

My students blow me away, they are all so fantastic. I can't believe it's only been one week. Today we finished up telling all of our testimonies and it was a sp
ectacular time.. Then after we had a super fun dance party to celebrate our one week anniversary... for like 2 hours. I got so sweaty.. I had to take a shower. Then we ate Korean noodles and had a good ol' time!

Satan has definitely attacked me throughout this week.. With feelings of inadequacy and doubt. And at times I've felt like I'm too young to lead these people.. Some older than me.. But time after time God has been reassuring me and encouraging me!

Please pray for me staff team that we'd continue to seek after God's heart and that he'd align ours with his... Pray that God would help me. :) Thanks

God is so so great... I can't wait for this quarter to unfold further!

My and my DTS guys in front of the Chalet.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Arrival Day!

Today is arrival day for all of the new students at the base! Many have already arrived and I am having a blast getting to know them! There's still many more to arrive. I have the "Red Eye" shift at the airport... 9-12! Woo. haha..

Anyhoo! At's all real exciting here at the Chalet! This quarter is finally getting under way. Thank you Jesus...

Please pray for my health! I have a little bit of a cold. :(

Love you all! :D