Monday, August 24, 2009

Placing Hope?

“And so, Lord where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you. Rescue me from my rebellion, for even fools mock me when I rebel.”

Psalm 39:7-8

My hope is in God.... Not myself.

I guess this post is more for me than anyone else. I’m in dire need of prayer.

As life creeps closer to the time when I am scheduled to leave, I can’t help but feel like I’m not ready for this.

Please pray for my mental and spiritual preparation for the trip. Pray that I’d live my life in a way that honors Jesus, because I know I don’t most of the time. I try, but my sin nature is a strong one. Pray that I’d be a better friend. That God would give me uncontainable love that spills over, out of the valves of my heart. I am hungry, I have tasted what God has to offer. I want it. Pray for a thirst for Jesus. I don’t want to just know ABOUT Him. I want to KNOW Him! I want to EXPERIENCE Him!

As much as I want to be close to God, I still seem to make the same mistakes that draw me further away. That’s the main thing that I need prayer for.

Thank you.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I turn and face the facts;

We’ve ruined God’s fair world.

With our lies

and addictions

and with dripping lust.

I’ve pulled up my chair and tuned in my television set

to watch the fall of God’s good creation.

Sitting around, no action took.

Is it not my job?

I put Him on the cross, I’ve no cross to bare.

How did it come to this?

This garden once was perfect.*

Now, over-grown with weeds. I can barely find my way.

I am supposed to be His glory? What a glorified mess.

Although I am a broken man, my minds at peace,

Because I find beauty in God's love as He mends my shattered soul.

*This line is adapted from lyrics from The Hush Sound.

P.S. Sorry, I've slacked a bit on the blogage... I've been busy.