I think it was my friend Clive... That would be Clive Staples Lewis who once said that the best lie is 90% truth.
I've made a lot of mistakes.. A pivotal one being allowing myself to live a lot of my life in 90% truth.
I think most people unknowingly live their lives in that 90% rather than the full 100... Sadly, that 10% lie is like leaven in bread... It will spread through the whole of it and contaminate it with itself... So that while there is 90% truth... that truth still has this underlying falsehood hidden within. It is something that is subtle but slowly corrupts the truth in our hearts... C.S. Lewis also wrote "The safest road to hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts."
It is necessary to always check ourselves to make sure we're not on the safe road to hell... It sounds brutal, but that's the simple truth. Because it is easy to let this 10% run rampant and grow without realizing. It is easy to not acknowledge the leaven. But that is suicide.
Let's examine our lives... Are we living in 90% truth or 100% truth?
I don't know what this looks like... I don't know how to extract the leaven from the bread. But I do know that 90% is dangerous...
So, this ended up kind of being an expose on C.S. Lewis. Haha.